Family & Divorce Lawyer Louisville

Kentucky Family Law: Your family and the law…

Whether you are filing for divorce in Kentucky or responding to a divorce petition, having an experienced, aggressive and knowledgeable family law attorney on your side can make a huge difference in the outcome of  your divorce proceedings and in your stress level.  If you are not a lawyer you may become lost in the legal maze. Maybe you have seen many of your friends go through a divorce or maybe you  have some general knowledge about divorce however that general knowledge will not help you with a complicated asset division.

        You will need a lawyer!  Divorce can be an extremely stressful event in your life. Unless you planned ahead and have a well drafted pre-nuptual agreement, the odds are that you are not prepared. Many people don’t know how property is divided at divorce. Who gets to keep the house, who gets to keep the car, who gets to keep the bank accounts, who will pay the debts,  who gets to keep the furniture and so on. Who pays for health insurance while the divorce is pending?  Anna Aleksander, has the skills  and the experience to help you navigate this complex maze.  She will not just help get you divorced, but she will help you do so in a way that will maximize your rights and recovery.   If you are fortunate, your divorce will be an uncontested one. In an uncontested divorce you and your spouse have reached an agreement either before or after you hire a lawyer. The lawyer takes notes of the terms of your agreement and prepares the paperwork and files it. That’s all and you are done. Easy and there is no hourly rate for uncontested divorce at Aleksander Law Office, PLLC.   Not everyone is that fortunate however, or there maybe an agreement about some issues but not  about others. In such a case, your divorce will be a contested divorce. Many such contested divorces conclude with settlement agreements. Sometimes the issues may have to be mediated in a mediator’s office. If the parties can’t agree, then the case is set for trial. The trial judge will set a hearing and decide your case.  Anna Aleksander is prepared to represent you at all stages of your divorce whether your divorce resolves outside or inside the courtroom.

At Aleksander Law Office, you will get the personal attention and the dedication that you deserve. Aleksander Law Office will ensure that you live through your divorce with a sense of confidence and calm.

Aleksander Law Office has experience with family law matters including contested and uncontested divorces, child custody, visitation, and child support.

At the Aleksander Law Office we understand how difficult divorce is for you and your children. Aleksander Law Office will strive to bring your divorce to a peaceful resolution. However, Aleksander Law Office is ready and prepared to fight for your rights in Family Court.

Anna Aleksander can help you with the following family law matters:

  • Uncontested Divorce and Contested Divorce
  • Alimony/Maintenance
  • Property Division
  • Child Custody
  • Visitation
  • Child Support
  • Post-decree modifications
  • Contempt

Together we can also explore many child custody options including step-parent adoptions, sole custody, joint custody, joint custody with equal parenting time, joint custody with primary residential custody to one parent, split custody, or custody with unequal parenting time.

Talk with me now to resolve your complicated divorce. (502)589-0816 or, please fill out our quick contact form. All inquiries are confidential and will be answered promptly.